Rodeo Points & Standings (Standings Updated After Every Rodeo) Points are awarded to first through tenth place in each event at each rodeo:
1st = 48, 2nd = 38, 3rd = 32, 4th = 26,
5th = 20, 6th = 14, 7th = 10, 8th = 8,
9th = 6, 10th = 4
Below is the link to the online system where you can view points and enter upcoming rodeos
If there is a tie, the points are split equally between the two contestants. For example; if there is a 2-way tie for first place the first place points (48) and second place points (38) are summed and divided equally between the contestants ((48 + 38) / 2 = 43).
(maximum points awarded in each event is 206).